Nothing beats reviving your old blog!
When I made this site, I thought I would be able to fill it with my made-up poem, stories, etc... Guess it did not happen. I have a couple that you can sift through the old blog posts if someone would be interested.
Well anyway, since that plan didn't materialized... I thought what I could do with this blog page is, well, make a few book reviews. This year I got so into reading Young Adult novels.It would not hurt to share some of my insights for a few book or two. I'm also excited to do this because I will have an outlet where I can pour out my feelings and thoughts in a certain book.
Expect from me themes such as Young Adult, Romance, Dystopian, Fiction and the likes. My goal is to write one book per week. I might start a week after next week. I am planning to put up my fave list first. Then go through them one by one... or pick random books I like to review.
Looking forward to awesome books and reviews~
Oh, if you have Goodreads account please add me! I don't know anyone who does! I would really really appreciate it! So that we can share books and book recommendations.
Here is my account
Thank you in advance!